Evolution Commercial Online Test

You are required to get a 100% correct score to pass the test.

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Evolution Commercial Induction Test

For this part of the test, make sure you have read the Employee / Contractor Induction Manual thoroughly.


You are running late for work, who would you inform and when?


You have a severe case of Flu and are contagious, what would be expected of you regarding work?


You are being picked on at work by a fellow employee. You feel uncomfortable with what they are saying and don’t want to come to work. What action would you take?


What PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is expected to be worn by Employees working within the workshops of Evolution Commercial?


When Grinding or Milling, what is the minimum PPE requirements?


You want to have a cigarette at work, where can you partake in a quick ciggie?


You see one of your fellow employee’s take a grinder and places it in their back pack, what course of action would you take?


You are next to an employee welding, when plastic in the vicinity catches alight, causing a fire. What are your immediate actions?


The fire is now out of control. You hear a “Beep, Beep, Beep” alarm, what is your required action at this alarm?


The Alarm has changed tone to a “Woop, Woop, Woop”, what action is now required for all employees of Evolution Commercial?


You have cut yourself on a sharp edge requiring a Betadine Wipe and a Band Aid. What course of action is expected from you relating to a minor work related injury?


You are working next to someone who is using a miller, the miller has kicked, the worker has lost control and now the miller has caused a deep cut to their left arm. What action do you take?


You are unfortunately the injured person, you have been taken to Evolution Commercials preferred medical provider (Sonic HealthPlus Naval Base, RediMed Rockingham for Back related injuries) for medical attention. You have been given a First Medical Certificate and sent back to work. What is the course of action required by Evolution Commercial?


You have been instructed to do a job with a Power Tool you have never used before, you do not feel confident in using this equipment. What course of action would you take to become familiar and competent using this tool?


You have been deemed Competent by your Supervisor on the use of this Equipment. You go to undertake the job, what checks of the Equipment would be expected before plugging in the machine and using it?


You are using this new piece of equipment and you accidently damage the power cord, exposing the internal wiring. What is required by you to ensure safety in the workplace?


You are required to repair a piece of fixed workshop equipment. What is required before you start repair work?


Your Supervisor has asked you to undertake work in a fuel tank on board a vessel under repair. You have never been in a Fuel Tank before and are not sure what to do. What are Evolution Commercials requirements when working in any type of Confined Space?


You have undertaken Evolution Commercials requirements for working in a Confined Space. The fuel tank is assumed to be Gas Free and you are required to undertake welding repairs inside the tank. How do we conduct any hot work safely for Evolution Commercial?


Your Supervisor has asked you to work over the edge of a vessel under construction. The work is approximately 6 meters off the ground. Can you do this work, and if so, how would you undertake it?


You are required to move several heavy items around the yard on a pallet. Can you operate the Fork Lift to do this?


JHA’s are used by Evolution Commercial to ensure workers are aware of their Safety responsibilities during work. What does JHA stand for?


You need to access an area on the vessel under construction, but there is Scaffolding in the way. What can you do to “Get on with the Job”?


You need to run up to the Bank at lunch time to sign some documents for your mortgage. Can you just take off to the Bank?


Who would you approach if you have any concerns or queries with any aspect of your employment?

Evolution Commercial FRP Induction Test

For the FRP part of the test, make sure you have read the Safe Working with Fibreglass Induction Manual thoroughly.


Occupational Exposure Standards are measured in 3 ways, which way are these measured?


What is meant by the term OES Peak, STEL, TWA?


If an item is considered Toxic to the body, what does it do?


What is the basic principal of the Fibreglass Process?


How do Evolution Commercial manufacture Fibreglass products to reduce Styrene vapour release into the atmosphere?


What are some of the Process Hazards associated with the manufacturing process?


What are some of the Health Hazards associated with Glass Fibres?


Identify below some of the affects Styrene based Monomers have on the human body?


Cobalt solution is used to Promote Resin for Catalysis, what health concerns are there associated with Cobalt Solution?


Dimethylaniline (DMA) is used in FRP manufacture as a promoter for Vinyl Resins. What are some of the hazards associated with this product?


Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide, or MEKP, is used to harden liquid resin into a hard plastic via an exothermic reaction (creates heat). What are some of the hazards associated with using this product?


To remove the cured FRP product from the mould, release agents are used to act as a barrier to stop the FRP sticking to the mould. How do these products affect the body?


Fumed Silica, Talc, Calcium Carbonate etc can be added to resin to enhance its properties, with Pigments added for colour. Do these substances have an effect on the body?


Acetone is used at Evolution Commercial as a FRP cleaning agent. What are some of the hazards associated with Acetone?


True or false?

Occupational Safety and Health Regulation 5.19 requires that employers, main contractors or the self-employed must ensure that no person at the workplace is exposed to a hazardous substance in a concentration that exceeds the specified exposure standard.

Employees and the self-employed have a complementary duty to protect themselves and others from hazards.


Evolution Commercial has a responsibility to its workers for which of the following?


Employees of Evolution Commercial have what following responsibilities?


How do Evolution Commercial Identify Hazards within the Workplace?


What are the TWA and STEL for Styrene?


Storage of Chemicals safely require what following approach?


Personnel working within Confined Spaces can be exposed to significantly high levels of hazardous vapours. How do Evolution Commercial prevent high exposure levels?


What Fire Precautions are required by personnel working for Evolution Commercial when manufacturing FRP Products?


Housekeeping is of vital importance within the FRP work areas. How is this achieved?


Waste disposal is expected to be minimised wherever possible at Evolution Commercial. How does Evolution Commercial achieve this?


What are some of the requirements when undertaking area Safety Checks when working in the FRP area?

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